Our Favourite 'Brothtail' Blends

Our Favourite 'Brothtail' Blends

How are you all travelling with your broth cleanse so far? We were overwhelmed with the response to our first newsletter and how many of you have decided to join us on our Spring Cleanse and digestive reset. It's been great to hear feedback about how much better you have been feeling and how surprised you are that you don't feel hungry. There is certainly no denying that our nutrient dense bone broth is great for satiety.

Whilst our papa's signature chicken and beef bone broths are highly flavoursome on their own, we understand that with any food regimen it is easy to become bored and lose interest. Over here at 'the broth sisters' we don't like to take ourselves too seriously and that's why we have decided to share with you some of our favourite broth add-ins or 'brothtails'. These 'brothtails' range from something as simple as our citrusy 'Positano', a squeeze of lemon juice with freshly ground black pepper to cut through the richness and make you feel like you are holidaying on the Amalfi Coast, or whilst you are there why not find yourself a 'Red Hot Italian' with the addition of some red hot Sicilian chilli oil. This will have your tastebuds dancing the tango, you breathing like a dragon and kicking those pesky cold and flu germs to the door as fast as you can say ACHOO!
Like a little decadence and a smoother creamy texture? Then why not try a favourite of ours, 'The Buttercup' just by adding in some pastured butter, or a teaspoon of ghee for the 'Oh My Ghee', a spoonful of coconut oil, affectionately known as our 'Coco Luscious' will have you thinking you are holidaying in the Tropics! All of these 'brothtails' will not only having you gasping 'heaven oh' but will add to your satiety and keep any cravings you may have at bay (except for the man on the back of a horse in the Old Spice ad). If you don't believe me just YouTube 'I'm on a Horse - Old Spice Commercial' and you will see what I mean!

I don't have to tell you about the medicinal qualities of both fresh ginger and turmeric. Both known to be nutritional powerhouses and used in traditional medicine for many years, ginger is great for relieving stomach problems as well as the treatment of colds and other respiratory conditions, and curcumin, the active ingredient of turmeric is said to have both anti-inflammatory and anti-cancer properties and is a powerful antioxidant. Sliced ginger or turmeric steeped in broth with star anise not only adds medicinal value but also gives the broth a nice Vietnamese pho style flavour when paired with some fresh coriander. Slurp this one down in the morning and we are certain you will be heard shouting 'Pho Goodness Sake' can I have another one please?!

Just as our spring cleanse is designed to reset our digestive system another essential part of restoring and repairing our gut is the need for a diverse range of gut flora. Probiotics are used to replenish good bacteria and regulate proper intestinal function and digestion. Beet kvass is a traditional Eastern European probiotic tonic which is known for its immune boosting properties and for reducing anaemia as well as contributing to a healthy gut. It is easy to make by fermenting beetroots in a salt brine and its tangy taste pairs beautifully with our golden chicken bone broth. 'Bloody Gut Juice' or 'Beet Bacteria' ? We'll let you choose which 'brothtail' name you like best! All I can tell you is that it's seriously good!
Last but not least, Sydney based nutritionist Fiona Tuck last week suggested a great tonic to add to clear chicken broth to help alleviate Spring allergies. Fiona suggested adding a squeeze of lemon juice, lemon zest, freshly grated ginger and garlic and a spoon of raw honey. How delicious does that sound? I've never thought of adding honey but I'm sure I will be trying it soon, with or without the allergies. Give it a go and let us know what you think! Affectionately named the 'Argh Choo Choo', (yes that's meant to be a bit sneezy), this 'brothtail' will have you chugging through the allergy season like a steam train.
Happy Spring cleansing. Don't forget to have fun, enjoy your 'brothtails' and not take yourself too seriously. After all, we all know that 'laughter is the best medicine'.

Our spring reset specials will continue at our market stalls right throughout September so it's never too late to jump on board for a broth reset.

You will find Linda this weekend at St Kilda Primary School Market on Saturday and Mt Eliza Farmers Market on Sunday.

Linda and Jane

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